Sunday, May 23, 2021

 Returning To Your Passion

I am now 69 years old. 

I just had the most beautiful birthday. We have come through so much since last I wrote. 

I have retired. My husband has retired. 

My husband had an aorta replacement, as well as a triple bypass.

Both my parents passed away at the ages of 90 and 91 years old. 

We've been through a major worldwide pandemic, taking the lives of millions of people. This has been hard to fathom, hard to think about, hard to connect to.

Has it changed me? No. Has it caused me to stop and ponder the way life was? Yes.

This pandemic has changed the world and changed the way it works. We are embarking upon something different...something else. I am not clear what this is, but I do have a vague idea. 

Life is short. We must embrace the gifts and passion that the Lord God has placed within us. We are never too old to do or pursue our dreams and passions. 

Things will never be the same. Thus, I will continue with my blogs, but with a major change. I have decided, that at the ripe old age of 69, I will begin to record, in writing, my experience with learning to play the piano, in the correct method, not the haphazard silliness I call "playing the piano". I have my daughter, a master pianist, to help me out.

This alone is a blessing in and of itself.

I have set a standard before me to practise at least 20 minutes per day. Each day I will use the quiet keyboard and do the mundane practice exercises over and over again until I feel it is correct. When the exercise is complete, I will begin a new one. 

I am beginning with the right hand a C major scale, with the correct fingering, I might add. 

Now, in my own defense, I must say this. I played the piano, albeit incorrectly, at my father's funeral. I wrote the music, which I feel is just beautiful, and I wrote this piece for my mother. My parents never had the chance to hear me play, but I believe they each heard from their dwelling place in heaven. Now, after all this time, I have decided, for my own passions and pursuits of happiness, I will learn to play correctly, with the correct fingering. It is tedious and demanding work, but at my age, so good for the neurons in the brain!

I have done at least a week's worth of practice. And I am enjoying this immensely. 

I hope you come along with me to see how I do. I will post as long as I remember to post! 

God bless you all.

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