Thursday, May 24, 2012

God of Healing

Judges 21:2

"Then the people came to the house of God, and remained there before God till evening.  They lifted up their voices and wept bitterly, and said, O Lord, God of Israel, why has this come to pass in Israel, that today there should be one tribe missing in Israel?  So it was, on the next morning, that the people rose early and built an altar there, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings."

I cried unto the Lord, and lifted up my voice, weeping bitterly, and saying O Lord, God of Israel, why has this come to pass in our family that there may be one of the six missing?  So it was, that day the Lord said,  Surely, I will keep thee and bless thee, and heal your family.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Peace and Quiet

"The fruit of righteousness will be PEACE.
The effect of righteousness will be QUIETNESS and CONFIDENCE forever."  Isaiah 32:17

Life has a way of coming at us full force. Sudden news of sick loved ones, job loss, financial stress.  These are things way beyond our control. We pray, give it to God, plead and pray again.  It can become a vicious circle. What I have found during times like these, is meditation on God's Word. I will find a scripture that fits my need, my prayer, my plead, and say it over and over again until I find the peace that I need. The scripture I am contemplating is:

"For surely O Lord, You bless the righteous. You surround them with Your favor as with a shield."  Psalm 5:12

This brings me comfort. This brings me peace. This brings me quietness and confidence, forever.

God bless you.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

God Loves You

"I will bring him near and he will come close to me. For who is he who will devote himself to be close to me? declares the Lord.  So you will be my people, and I will be your God."  Jeremiah 30:21

Are you one of God's people? Is He your God? Then He is near to you. He is close to you. Even if you don't feel Him. He said so. You are His beloved one. And He is your God. He said so. And I believe it.  He brings you near to Himself. Our Beloved Saviour, the Creator of the Universe, our Precious Redeemer, loves you. I am devoting myself to be close to Him, the Lover of my soul. Will you join me?  He is waiting for us.....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Living in His Presence

It is hard to do this thing they call, "living in the Presence of God". Have you ever tried to live minute by minute, talking with God, listening for His Voice, His guidance, His Presence? I'm trying to do this. Because once you feel it, you are addicted. You feel His Presence. You feel His warmth surrounding you, and after you have experienced it, there is nothing like it in the world.  I am experimenting with this thing. If I find myself straying, even at work, I just pull myself back to stay in His Presence once again. I have lots of lapses. But I go right back "in". And I like it. I love feeling His Presence. 

One way I stay in His Presence is by talking with Him. All the time. Asking questions. Asking for wisdom in different situations. Telling Him things. Small conversations, all day long, to my Beloved One. I love His Presence. And I am striving to stay in His Presence all day long.

I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Silently Grieving

My dear friend lost her twin babies today. She had not met them nor had she held them in her arms. They are now in the Arms of Jesus, growing up in heaven, being raised by angels, awaiting the arrival of their mother.  How do you console the grieving mother and father but by only being there for them, loving them, reassuring them that they will be alright, and that their babies are safe and sound right this minute. As  I pray about this, praying about what I can say to help, I can think of nothing except that God is in control, and God is our God of comfort. He is our refuge and our strength.  These are the times that we need to hide in the shelter of the Most High. Saying nothing, just hiding under His Wing. He will help these grieving parents, and He will give them strength. God bless you little babies who we loved - we will see you in heaven...xxoo