Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Peace and Quiet

"The fruit of righteousness will be PEACE.
The effect of righteousness will be QUIETNESS and CONFIDENCE forever."  Isaiah 32:17

Life has a way of coming at us full force. Sudden news of sick loved ones, job loss, financial stress.  These are things way beyond our control. We pray, give it to God, plead and pray again.  It can become a vicious circle. What I have found during times like these, is meditation on God's Word. I will find a scripture that fits my need, my prayer, my plead, and say it over and over again until I find the peace that I need. The scripture I am contemplating is:

"For surely O Lord, You bless the righteous. You surround them with Your favor as with a shield."  Psalm 5:12

This brings me comfort. This brings me peace. This brings me quietness and confidence, forever.

God bless you.

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