Thursday, May 3, 2012

Living in His Presence

It is hard to do this thing they call, "living in the Presence of God". Have you ever tried to live minute by minute, talking with God, listening for His Voice, His guidance, His Presence? I'm trying to do this. Because once you feel it, you are addicted. You feel His Presence. You feel His warmth surrounding you, and after you have experienced it, there is nothing like it in the world.  I am experimenting with this thing. If I find myself straying, even at work, I just pull myself back to stay in His Presence once again. I have lots of lapses. But I go right back "in". And I like it. I love feeling His Presence. 

One way I stay in His Presence is by talking with Him. All the time. Asking questions. Asking for wisdom in different situations. Telling Him things. Small conversations, all day long, to my Beloved One. I love His Presence. And I am striving to stay in His Presence all day long.

I'll keep you posted.

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