Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quiet Days

I am recovering from a nasty virus.  Within that two week period of time, and two visits to the doctor, I have been told there are no antibiotics, no medicines available to take care of this. Only time, and rest.  I work full time, and I don't have time on my hands, until I retire. So....I tried to go to work, tried to work, everyone saw that I simply could not spread my germs all around, so I went home. I came home to a quiet place....a place of solitude...a place where I could nap all day, drink hot tea to soothe my aching throat...a place where I could cough uncontrollably without any harsh looks. 

During these quiet days, I read my Bible, prayed, worshipped, watched old videos of Kathryn Kuhlman on Youtube.  Quiet and healing days.  I was able to regroup, rethink, rehearse in my mind the reason for all of this running around, working, doing errands, running here and there. Sometimes you need to be put "down" so that you can do nothing but listen to what God is saying.  He is always there. He is always available to speak to us.  Yet, if we do not stop, how can we hear?

I heard such beautiful things. I heard Him tell me how much He loves me. How much He cares.  He comforted me as I and my family go through my mothers and brothers fight against stage 4 cancer. He told me things meant only for me. As I sipped my tea, wrapped in my soft crocheted blanket, I felt His arms around me, assuring me that all will be well. He is going before me. And He has everything under control.

I needed these quiet days of rest and recovery. A reminder that God is with me, at all times. And if things do get bad, He will be there to hold me up. And He is there to hold you up, too.  All you have to do is stop, listen, and feel His presence. 

Psalm 91 says:  "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I will trust."

Let's rest the shadow of the Most High.....God bless you, ladies.

1 comment:

  1. No Matter what season of life we go through He ( GOD) is always with us!
    I liked this message it was REAL!REALLY YOU ! thankyou many will be touched!!
    LOVE Pat
