Monday, April 23, 2012


Last night I had a dream about my home in heaven. Many times I have dreamed of the same large home, and in my dreams I return again and again. Last night I was near the front of the acreage, on the side, helping the plants to transplant themselves from one place to another. The plants were alive, yet I was "helping" them move over to a  place that they wanted to be planted in. It was very common, and not too strange. I didn't really plant them. I helped them become planted. They were very beautiful, long and green, different looking plants.  I also met my neighbor. He was watching my plants grow themselves and asking questions about them. He was a very lovely neighbor.  I know that in the Book of John, Jesus describes our homes in heaven as mansions, and that He is preparing them for us. One day we will be with Him in heaven, and I believe He is allowing me to visit my mansion, in my dreams, every now and then.  Sweet dreams............

1 comment:

  1. Your dream sounds like so many of mine. Always tranqui and blessed . heaven will be such an amazingly peacfull and Wonderfull home for many of us who know and have intimate relationships with Jesus. Its not majical but miraculous. Amazingly Wonderfull and full of Love and pacefullness beyond this worlds comprenhension. I loived your glimpse of Heaven!
    Pat* your friend in Florida
