Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our God of Comfort

We have many accomplishments in our lives, many things to accomplish, and so few days remaining.  And when we are faced with "down" days, days where we ourselves are facing illnesses, unable to take charge of the situation, we can be faced with discouragement, impatience, discouragement. Yet, how can we turn the situation around, so that our God is glorified, even in this?

Sometimes it is good to have to STOP in the middle of our lives, to sit and reflect all the goodness that God is providing to us, and for us. Sometimes it takes a quiet illness to be able to hear the voice of God, His encouraging words, His plans for the future in our lives. Sometimes it is good to have nothing to do but lay on the couch, worshiping Him, thanking Him for all we have and all He is. It is in quiet times like these, that we can hear His soft whispers of love and delight, and when we can linger in his presence, enjoying complete surrender to our Saviour. 

Yes, we can take these times that may look bleak and unhealthy, and turn it around to give glory to our God.  As I sit here, recovering from this 2 week virus, I could be thinking about how behind I am in my housework, at my job, yet I am able to hear the still sweet voice of our God, speaking words of love to my tired spirit.  Yes, I can hear You Lord, and enjoy Your Presence, even while recovering from this cold. Thank you Lord for your many blessings, Your sweet Presence, for my many wonderful friends and family. You are all we need to be healed and be loved and continue onward with your joy.

Thank you Ladies, for being there......

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jeannie
    I am so glad to see you are sharing your heart! With so much negative out there it is so Refreshing to read somthing uplifting.thankYou
    and I look forward to more .
    Blessings from Pat
